World Thinking

The case for world unity. It is time to think on a global perspective. Science shows humanity is but one family

Posts Tagged ‘cosmos’

Cosmic Unity.pdf

Posted by David on May 29, 2008

Cosmic Unity: a pdf file with photos

Posted in education, faith, humanity, interfaith, philosophy, religion, Social Barriers, society, thoughts | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Cosmic Unity

Posted by David on October 17, 2007

“Cosmic Unity”


The subject of elemental unity is one that concerns all who are looking for answers to ultimate questions and believe, as I do, that through both the study of science and sacred scripture we may find guidance to that end.

I believe the Universe is a singular reality, That God is one.

Mankind is one. Differences of race, religion, culture or individual strengths

and weaknesses should all be appreciated.

Much as we view in awe the mix of color, hue and design of the master gardener so must we all learn to look upon the great diversity of our world as fruit born out of transcendent Oneness.

Dear Friend,

It is self-evident that our senses bring to us a picture of a world comprised of many differences. As an example, leaves of varying colors, textures, or shapes are seen as outwardly different and thus are categorized by a brain developed and honed by evolution to survive in an environment full of natural complexities and dangers. Knowing what is edible or not, how to react to a given situation, how to avoid danger while utilizing that which is conducive to life; these are all prerequisites to survival. Those that survived multiplied, leaving us the legacy of our categorizing minds.

It is important here to realize what is meant by “outwardly different.” The many kinds of leaves in the example above need to be classified by our mind. Not only is classifying which leaves are useful, edible or poisonous important for survival but it helps us think things through. No matter if it is hunting, farming, art, science, religion, or philosophy; human beings find categorization necessary to understand the universe they perceive around themselves. Yet, the different kinds of leaves are all leaves. These leaves all exhibit similar biochemical reactions and properties thus occupying a place in the plant kingdom.

As we continue this line of reasoning it is evident the differences between plants and animals (as seen by our naked eye while observing in the woods) are outwardly apparent, but upon closer examination the edges between the categories blur. Euglenas are mobile single celled animals that contain chlorophyll allowing them to photosynthesize as our familiar plants do. Fungi behave similarly to plants but do not photosynthesize. (These ancient organisms break down organic material but are unable to move about.) Someone not familiar with sea anemones, coral polyps and the like would probably classify them as plants, but they are indeed animals.

As we peer ever deeper into the cellular and molecular levels the outward differences between plants, animals, and indeed all life on Earth becomes less and less apparent. It is here science has discovered that all the fundamental building blocks of life are the same. It is currently believed life has developed and diversified from one common origin.

A common unity is evident within the rest of the physical universe as well. The fundamental building blocks of material elements and compounds are the vast numbers of hydrogen atoms found throughout the universe. A star like our Sun is constantly fusing hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei. Eventually not enough hydrogen is left so the star enters the next stage of its sequential cycle and goes on to fuse helium into heavier elements. When a large dying star explodes (called a super nova) elements ranging from helium to iron are blasted out into space. In time, these heavier elements become part of second-generation star systems resulting in solar systems, planets, complex compounds, and possibly life. In the deepest sense our elemental existence began in the stars.

Unity exists between the worlds of matter and energy. Einstein’s famous equation E=MC2 (squared) where E = energy, M = mass, and C = the speed of light, shows that matter and energy are related. In addition, light has been shown to respond to gravity. Gravity, according to Einstein, is the same as acceleration, and time is connected with relative speed.

The Holy Grail of modern day physics is what theoretical physicists call a “Unified Field Theory”. their goal is to find within the four assigned forces of energy (Electro-magnetic, Gravity, the Strong Nuclear force and the Weak Nuclear force) a fundamental reality common to all. So far the challenge has been illusive but most scientists agree the reasoning is sound.

Question: If Creation is indeed one holistic reality why should this not be used to aid us in gaining an appreciation of its Creator? If the Universe reflects the transcendent reality of God in any way surely the all-embracing Unity so manifest throughout existence should be the most evident proof of the Oneness of God. If this is the case the seeming differences we experience in our everyday lives- the petty differences so prevalent among the religious and political institutions of people on this puny little Earth orbiting an average star located in no particular place of importance within an average galaxy containing, perhaps, 200 billion stars pales into utter insignificance!

From this Universal Unity the Universe has become manifested with a diversity, power, beauty and perfection at which one can only marvel.

Near the Beginning, the Cosmic Unity, the Singularity of a One Reality, began, over eons of time, to make various aspects of Reality Manifest. Pre-existence by degrees was brought into existence. Much as a seed has a mature plant programmed into its being, or a fertilized egg has the capacity to grow and develop; the universe grew, diversified into myriad forms, flowered, and bore the fruit of “Man’s” Spirit.

This cognitive spirit is not confined only to Homo sapiens on the speck of dust called Planet Earth. No, rather it is a level of perception which may well be common to other forms of life throughout creation; enabling elements born of the stars to perceive the stars; allowing matter and spirit to achieve insight, learn, wonder and ponder at its own creation; to develop a need for a higher Spirit of Truth and be granted custodianship of the spiritual laws of Wisdom, Unity, Love and Justice.

We are truly an integral part of the universe, we were created by it and are bound by its properties and laws. Indeed, the true Spirit of “Man” represents nothing less than the eyes and ears of creation, that which is capable of utilizing; through the amazing gifts of reason, discovery and technological know-how; properties hidden to the animal world. This remarkable intelligence fashions a live-in environment for its own purposes but, more importantly, sacred scripture of all world faiths teach our primary duty is communing with the Creator of the Cosmos-in other words we were created to know and to worship God.

Unity is at the central core of Being. Let us learn to reflect this greatest Truth in our lives. Let us appreciate the beauty of diversity much as we cultivate the diverse flowers in a garden. Let us not assign God to any one religion, creed, or belief system; for how can the created possibly understand the Creator! Let us come together in love, respect, and share in a humility born of the wisdom that we are a part of everything. Nothing exists independently. Let us grow, let us learn, let us flower and let us bear fruit!

For more on “the case for world unity” visit

Posted in cosmic unity, creation, interfaith, science, Universal Perspective, universe | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

A Different Viewpoint: Investigating The Case For World Unity.

Posted by David on October 9, 2007

Recent discoveries in astronomy and cosmology bring to light inescapable conclusions and profound awareness. Ancient beliefs are being deprovincialized; our home is no longer seen as the center of it all. As the telescope shows, our world orbits a common ordinary main sequence star in an out-of-the-way corner of a galaxy containing billions of stars within a universe of galaxies beyond measure. From a cosmological perspective our home is but a seemingly insignificant speck of dust within a matrix of time and space forever beyond our ability to truly grasp. Physics wrestles with realms beyond the ordinary such as quasars, black holes, cosmic evolution, subatomic particles, quantum theory and beyond. Knowledge, thinking and world-views must deal with accepting realities in which everyday experience and logic no longer apply.

Yet, just the fact humanity is capable of accomplishing these feats proves that through our intellect, vision and capacities of the heart, mind and soul humanity is endowed with the gifts of reason and discernment. Our species is able to study, theorize (and in wonder) look upon the world he dwells upon with a unique level of understanding. In a real sense we are the eyes of the universe beginning to open in perception of itself.

The science of ecology, the study of the interrelationships of plants and animals and how they adapt to different environments, illustrates to the perceptive eye we are but a part of an interwoven web of creation that is marvelous to behold. Within this web of life individuals occupy niches and perform functions (jobs), which help the ecosystem (community) to function. As more is understood it becomes self-evident a diverse community is a healthy one. It is much harder for calamity such as storm, draught or disease to wipe out a complex population containing many checks and balances than say a crowded population of only one species such as found on a man-made artificially cultivated field of corn.

Take a walk outside. Don’t just hike down a trail to get to the end but rather be aware. look at the different shapes, habits, diets, colors, textures and hues of the myriad kinds of organisms observing the many roles they play within the natural ecosystem. Now try to think of what it would be like if all forms of life were the same. Of course this is impossible! For without diversity there would be no ecosystem. Little life, except perhaps the extreme simplest forms, could live.

Now lets apply this principle to humanity. Would it not be rather uninteresting, dull and not much of a challenge if all people were the same? As a matter of fact, if everyone had the same experiences, talents, understanding and opinion civilization would cease to function- there would be no social civilizing “ecosystem” for us to thrive in. Homo sapiens would be nothing more than a group of ape-like instinct driven robots all carrying out functions from an identical program. There would be little art, music, creativity, achievement and certainly no individuality.


Medicine teaches the individual body needs all of its organs to function properly and in harmony for good health. Also it is beneficial for sensory receptors such as eyes, ears, feeling, and smell etc. to be in good working order. In the same way, it is apparent that without trained craftsmen and professionals in specialized fields of service to the whole of humankind, civilization will cease to progress. The “ecosystem” of the human race must provide many niches or jobs that allow unique talents to be developed and expressed. Again, the natural working model shows us that diversity equals stability.


Now, expand this process to include all the people around the world; the Africans, Asians, Europeans, Innuit, North American Indians, Polynesians etc. Now add the different cultures and religions to the mix. What do you think of when you hear about Baptist, Catholic or say Russian Orthodox Christian sects? How about the Iroquois “Law Of The Longhouse” (a governmental matriarchal system from which it is likely our own US Constitution is possibly based) or the “Eightfold Path” of Buddhism? The name “Allah”: is this a reference to the God of Abraham and Moses or something else?

In a world knit together by the modern marvels of instant world wide communication there is no place for terrorist activities abusing religious creeds or doctrines in defense of the right to attack, torture and mutilate those following a different path. It is evident humanity must evolve and rise above these decadent divisive deeds done in the “name” of the One Creator of us all- be it God, Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, Vishnu, Amitabha, Ahura Mazda, etc. Instead, let us not focus and dwell on differences of sect and interpretative traditions but, more appropriately, turn to the original scriptures of these diverse yet valid faiths and, with an open mind, see if Hindu (Lord Krishna), Buddhist (Gautama), Christian (Jesus), Islam (Muhammed), Iroquois (Dekanawida), the Baha’i Faith (Baha’u’llah) etc. do indeed address the same essential truths.


Remember- we need what the entire worldwide “ecosystem” has to offer. We must open our hearts and minds to accept and learn from peoples of diverse races, cultures and creeds if we, as a global interrelated human family are to reap the most benefit and stability from one another.

For more on this kind of thinking and “serving the case for world unity” go to


Posted in interfaith, Language Barriers, life, philosophy, religion, science, Social Barriers, society, The Case For World Unity | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments »